Images and Visualisations

The RES consultations have been sadly lacking in any photos that show the true size of the turbines, or how they will appear from neighbourhoods close to the proposed wind farm

Here we add some photos and some visualisations that may help you see how big they are!

Turbine T9 from the Dam of Blaen Bran Reservoir, this turbine will dominate the view from much of the community woodland
T9 from Blaen Bran Reservoir with Cwmbran’s 22 story block of flats added for size comparison
Close up of turbine T9 with the tower block
Turbine T9 will dominate The Square, upper Cwmbran. In this visualisation Trees and power lines have been removed. You can see the tips, the sweep, of turbines T8, T10, and T11. The asterix *  is placed near the only pylon visible in this image, and it shows how small the pylons are compared with the Turbines
The view of T9 from a upstairs window of a house in The Square
This shows a 150m turbine placed next to the largest building in Gwent, near Cwmbran Town Centre
The worst view of all! This is RES’ visualisation from Pantygasseg! Is this acceptable?