The planning application for Trecelyn Wind Farm by Pennant Walters has been validated (accepted) on the 23.12.2024 and you will until the 10th of February to object.
“ Proposed development: Construct and operate a wind farm of up to four turbines (with a maximum blade tip height of 145m) and associated infrastructure” This is above Pantside and all the access will be via Pantside and Abercarn Mountain Road.
To see all the documents in the planning application click here and follow link to “DNS CAS-02114-J9X4S6 – Trecelyn Wind Farm”
Should you wish to comment on the application, your representation must be received by 10.02.2025. You may submit your representation by e-mail ( )
or by post to…
PEDW, Crown Building, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ (PEDW stands for Planning and Environment Decisions Wales)
In either case quoting reference CAS-02114-J9X4S6
“Any representations submitted after the deadline will not be accepted”
The Case Officer is Rhys Rigby and if you require further information you can contact him.
PEDW phone number is 0300 123 1590
The Inspector appointed to examine this Development of National Significance (DNS) Application is: Richard E Jenkins BA (Hons) MSC MRTPI (I don’t think we should contact him)
Further guidance on the DNS process can be found on the following page: